

Links marked with * are new in last update


Click on to hear the audio samples (mp3)

This are mostly based on saw or vocal waves and are my favourites for creating backgrounds. It comprises pads, strings and all chord dedicated sounds. 

Please note: To open single patches you have to load a library file (.r3l or .rdl) in your Sound Editor, right click on an empty (init) patch and then select "Load" which opens the file dialog. Locate de file you downloaded and once loaded send it to the synthesizer.

R3 (.r3p)

RADIAS (.rdp)

HarmoPad   Harmonica pad
JX-Pad   JX-Style String pad
ModulatoR-1 Modulator1 Modulated slow pad
Strings-1   Strings
VoicePad-1 VoxPad1 A pad based on the Voice DWGS
Voicey-1   Typical 80's voice sound
JX-Pad2   Another JX-Style String pad
Resonance Oscillator   Pad done mainly with resonance oscillation
Air-Pad Air-Pad Pad with a little vocal character  
JX-Pad3 JX-Pad3 Deep string pad (from the challenge about the Virus pad sound)
VoicePad-2   Flangered VoicePad (from the same callenge about the sound in "Grape")
  JX-Pad33 Deep string pad like JxPad3 but doubled and slightly modified (what about JX-Pad3333?)
  Xenofonia * An evolving pad that varies seamles between several DWG's (use MOD-Wheel)
  SynChoir * Synthetic choir
  VP330Ensemble * An emulation of the VP-330 string and voice sounds (toggle Timbre 1 and 2 and FX1, FX2 to get different combinations)
  VP330Vox * Another emulation of the VP-330 voice